Register for Summer 2020 Zoom Meetings

Liberty Church’s Summer 2020 Zoom Meetings with Pastor Rush

Liberty Church’s Summer 2020 Zoom Meetings with Pastor Rush

Register for the July 15th Meeting: Personal Growth in the Christian Life #1

Register for the July 29th Meeting: Personal Growth in the Christian Life #2

Register for the Aug. 12th Meeting: The Christian Life in Today’s Culture

Register for the Sept. 2nd Meeting: Whatcha Been Reading?

All Meetings Begin at 7:00pm.

  • Download the Zoom App.

  • Set Up an Account.

  • Register for the Meetings.

Prayer? Really?? Podcast 6


“Prayer is asking God to incarnate, to get dirty in your life. Yes, the eternal God scrubs floors. For sure we know he washes feet. So take Jesus at his word. Ask him. Tell him what you want. Get dirty. Write out your prayer requests; don’t mindlessly drift through life on the American narcotic of busyness. If you try to seize the day, the day will eventually break you. Seize the corner of his garment and don’t let go until he blesses you. He will reshape the day.” 

– Paul E. Miller, A Praying Life

A Letter from a Wuhan Pastor

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This is the first audio podcast (6:55 min.) from Liberty Church of Cosby during these days of social-distancing because of the COVID-19 virus. 

Churches are increasing their online presence through audio and video, and we are glad to do the same.

This audio includes an open letter from a pastor in the Wuhan province of China. It is dated January 23, 2020 with encouraging words from someone living in the midst of what we are beginning to experience in America. 

My hope is that we can experience the same comfort and hope he writes so eloquently about. 

We look forward to being together very soon. Until then, we want to keep in touch with our church folks and invite you to let us know how you are doing.

Services Suspended for the Near Future

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During this time of social distancing and waiting to see how the COVID-19 situation rolls out, we are suspending the services and activities at Liberty Church. We hope for a best-case scenario that will allow us to resume meeting as soon as possible. Right now, we are planning to pause through Memorial Day.

Please check in on our Facebook page: Liberty Church of Cosby—and our audio/video site at

Please check in at those sites and stay in touch!

We plan to be active during these days, keeping in touch with our church family and seeking to help our community.

Asking Small Questions in an Age of Uncertainty


By Joe Carter:

Across the country, schools and colleges are closing their campuses, while in the halls of Congress, senators and representatives are putting themselves under self-quarantine. The stock market has dropped, risen, and dropped again. And all of these massive effects are a result of the smallest of organisms—a virus.

While only a small amount of the population has contracted COVID-19 (at least so far), the virus has infected the entire country with uncertainty. And many of us are feeling overwhelmed.

Read the Rest Here.